Monday, July 28, 2008

week of 7/21-7/25

Monday: 9:30-3:30
Tuesday: Not in the office: other obligation
Wednesday: 9:30-4:45
Thursday: 10-4:45
Friday: 9:30-11
Total: 21.5

I spent today in Compliance. This morning I worked with one of the Compliance assistants, Justin on editing some institutional forms for Campbell. Most student athletes know that they are required to fill out some NCAA paperwork when they come to school permitting themselves to be drug tested and confirming their test scores before they are eligible to play. There are also some institutional forms that are used for the individual school's purposes. The main purpose for doing this was to eliminate any redundancy in those forms to make sure we were not asking the same questions over and over again. After going through the forms and deciding what corrections needed to be made, we had to remake the forms themselves and submit them to the director for her to approve. I also spent some more time working on the Study hall sign-in sheets for the different sports. The Director, Heather liked what I had done with that, so that will most likely be what they use this season.

I was out of the office today because of some prior commitments I had made.

Wednesday morning I spent in compliance. The director was out this morning picking up an interviewee for an assistant position at the airport. I spent the morning going through the University's data program to find out whether or not certain student athletes had confirmed their schedules for the fall yet. This pertained to study hall hours and how many they would be required to do, or whether or not they would have to do study hall at all. This actually took me a little while to do because some people have very generic names like: "John Smith", and there may be 20 other "John Smith's" enrolled at Campbell. I kind of had to search through all of the names to make sure I was confirming the right person's Schedule. I finished before anyone had returned back to the office. I have noticed that this kind of seems to be a pattern while I am working in Compliance. They give me something to do that they think will take me a long time to do, and then I finish, and they don't have anything for me to do. After I finished I walked back over to sales and marketing for a little while. When Heather arrived back from the airport, I walked back over to compliance, and they told me that because of the interview that afternoon, they didn't really have any other pressing things for me to do that afternoon. I spent that afternoon in sales and marketing. Kevin told me to research some of the contact information for local recreation departments because we hope to get some of them involved with some of our promotions this year.

In the morning I sent out an email to all of the recreation departments I had researched on Wednesday. I was just informing them of some of the things we were planning to do and telling them we hoped to get some local recreation departments involved this year. I got a couple of responses to my email about handing out flyers at registration days. In the afternoon I finished updating trade spreadsheet. This spreadsheet specified exactly how much trade from each of our companies, if we had any at all. It also specified how much trade had been used, and for what it had been used, and was formulated to show how much was left after some of it was used.

I don't really have anything to say about today. Heather was out of town today, so she had no projects for me. I came into the office and they had me doing something with one of the assistants, but then the computer started to misbehave, and we could not do what we were supposed to do. Eventually, I just went home, they didn't have anything for me to do. Part of this is due to the fact that there is a lot of confidential stuff in the Compliance department, so there are some things I can't really be involved with.

Monday, July 21, 2008

week of 7/14-7/18

Monday: 9:30-1:00
Tuesday: 10-4
Wednesday: 9:30-4
Thursday: 12:30-4
Friday: 9:30-12:30
Total: 22.5

Today was my first day in the compliance department. When I came in, I spoke with the director, Heather Lee about some of the work I would be doing. One of the first things I did after speaking with Heather was to assist one of the compliance assistants with determining which athletes interested in Campbell had been cleared by the Clearinghouse. If they weren't cleared, we had to determine what they were missing. After that, I spent a lot of time filing athletic scholarship letters. These were all of the letters informing student-athletes of the amount of athletic aid they were receiving. They were also informed of whether or not their amount of aid had been increased, decreased, or completely taken away. There were approximately 300 or so of these letters, so they took a little while for me to finish filing. This afternoon I had an eye-doctors appointment, so I had to head out a little bit early from work.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am still spending some time in sales and marketing because of my internship project. The major thing we had going on today was a meeting with the student coordinator(s) for Campbell's FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). His name is Josh Kimball, he was a student-athlete here at Campbell an is involved with the leadership of that organization here at Campbell, we also met with another member involved with leadership her name was Heidi Shallow, and she is also a student-athlete here at Campbell. Their primary reason for wanting to meet with us was to see if they could somehow become involved with some promotions during games, and to also find out what exactly they would be permitted to do during games. But they really wanted to find out how to really reach out to students and get them interested in coming to athletic events at Campbell. Because to be quite honest, there is not a lot to do in Buies Creek on the weekends. It was a good meeting because by the end we had really gotten them interested in possibly sponsoring some nights at the soccer games, and helping/hosting some promotions during half-times at different games. They also had some ideas that really helped us get our wheels turning as far as things to do at games. For example, we have been trying to find people to sing the national anthem at games, and they have access to a lot of people who can sing well. Also, they were interested in finding people to pray at games, considering Campbell is a Baptist school, and it would be done by someone regardless of whether or not they planned it. Hopefully this meeting will benefit us in the fall and help us with planning some promotions. The purpose of this meeting pertained directly to my internship project, so I was excited when we were done. After the meeting we printed off camp orders and took them to the business manager and headed out for the day.

Wednesdsay I was back in the Compliance department. I spent my morning going through softball stats to find out which of the players had used a year of eligibility this past season and which ones had not. This actually took me a little longer than I had expected because there was only one girl who didn't play at all this season. Everyone else's name I found pretty quickly, but I had to wade through the stats for every game just to make sure this girl didn't play at all this season. Then I had to fill out an eligibility list with all of the girls names on it so we can keep track of their eligibility for the next four years. In the afternoon I typed up a roster for a PE class the University is starting with every single freshman and transfer student-athlete's name on it. I believe this class is essentially designed to teach these student-athletes time management, etc. This took a little while because I had to go through the list and type in all of their student id numbers, meeting times, etc. There were upwards of 100 students to put into this roster, so typing all that information in took a little while.

Back in sales and marketing today-I was told not to come in until 12:30 because they were in a meeting at the time I normally come in. Major activities today included a meeting with the new volleyball coaches to talk about some promotions for the fall. Again, this pertained directly to my internship project as far as planning promotional activities for the marketing plan. Nothing has ever been done with Volleyball in the past, so anything we do this year will be brand new, and hopefully it will establish a precedent for years to come. Planning activities for this year in volleyball will be a little tricky because they will be spending the first few games of their season in the old gym, and then they will be moving over to the new facility, which will make doing some of the promotions easier. Again, there are some limitations to what we can do in the new gym, simply because it is a new facility, and for various other reasons as well. I feel as though the meeting was very productive, and the new coaches were very excited about getting some things going, and even told us about some ideas they had been throwing around with each other. They really like a lot of the ideas that Drew and I thought up, and had some more that they had been thinking about. They both came from schools that had a large Greek life, and Campbell has no Greek life what so ever, so they are used to having large numbers of student support, and hope to be able to raise that support here at Campbell over the next couple of years.
After the meeting I went through all of the sponsors from this year and last and put together a list of their "Total Sponsorship Packages" including both trade and cash. This will help us determine in the future what "level" Camel Club member they are. There are different levels depending on the amount of money spent sponsoring Campbell athletics.

Friday was a very short day. Heather was out of the office, and a lot of the things they wanted me to do for some reason I could not get access to. When it came down to it, I worked on creating a sign-in sheet for study hall for all of the freshman and transfer athletes. All freshmen and transfers are required to have a certain number of study hall hours, in addition to stuedents who do no meet the GPA requirements to participate. They have had problems in the past concerning this because they would have one piece of paper per student athlete for four weeks. They were wasting a lot of paper and time adding up the number of hours the athletes were accruing. Certain teams even had one piece of paper per player per week. My job was to find a way to fit the entire team into one document instead of having individual sign-in sheets for each athlete. With the football team last year they were taking upwards of 80 sign-in sheets weekly. I formatted one that allows them to fit an entire team into one document and will save them a lot of time and paper.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Week of 7/7/08-7/11/08

Monday: 9:30-4
Tuesday: 10-4
Wednesday: 10-3:00
Thursday: 10-12
Friday: 9:30-4:30
Total: 25.5

I came in early this morning and had a meeting with compliance to plan out a schedule for me to start working there next week. I decided that next week would be best considering that the director and assistant director will be out of a town at a conference at the end of this week. My supervisor at the compliance office's name is Heather Lee. I will still be spending some time in sales and marketing since I will be doing my project in that department. I made a couple of phone calls to follow up with some companies that had not yet signed their contract or had not yet decided whether or not to work with us. The automotive company I had been contacting finally decided that they were not going to work with us because of a price increase after I had been talking with them for a month...I was a little frustrated. Another company I had contacted told me they would get me the contract in the mail in the next couple of weeks. I was given the opportunity to attend a sales meeting with our new marketing assistant to another automotive company. that meeting was very quick because we have done something with this company for the past several years. In the afternoon I printed off camp orders and took them to the business manager. I feel as though there was a lot of time today that there was not a lot for me to do because we hired a new assistant and he does a lot of what I used to do. It can be a problem because we only have one computer and one telephone, so there is only so much that both of us can do at once. Next week I plan to bring my laptop on the days I work in sales so I will hopefully be able to work on some stuff by myself.

Today was another day when I felt like I didn't have a lot to do. Next week will be better hopefully when I start in the compliance department. I left for lunch a little early today because I had a family commitment for a couple of hours at that time, but I came back at the same time I usually do. In the afternoon Drew and I did some sales stuff and made some calls, but again, with us sharing an office, there is really only so much two people can do. As per usual, I printed off the camp orders and took them to the business office in the afternoon

This morning Drew and I walked to the campus bookstore to take care of some stuff with the mascot costume. Namely, we walked to the bookstore to pick up the biggest football jersey they had for the Camel to wear. In the afternoon, we followed up with a couple of companies about some sales meetings we were trying to set up. After lunch printed off the camp orders and took
them to the business manager. I left work a little early today because I had a dentist appointment this afternoon.

This morning I went with Drew to a sales meeting at a local tanning salon. We arrived, and apparently the person we were meeting with was not there, and they were about to head to vacation. We are going to have to try to finish this sale up before she leaves for vacation. When we got back from the meeting, we worked on the shells of promotions schedules for each of the fall sports. This pertained largely to my internship project, so I was excited to have the opportunity to really be involved in something again. In the afternoon there was a major three-hour meeting with one of our big sponsors for football and basketball, that my supervisor told me I didn't need to be a part of, so I got the rest of the afternoon off.

Friday was a crazy day, being the second round of freshman orientation. In the morning we went to the street fair for all of the freshmen and their parents. We were basically there to answer any questions people might have about the athletic department, etc. We had two presentations later in the afternoon. At the previous orientation I had to dress up as Gaylord for these presentations, but at this particular time I was asked to deliver a couple of contracts to be signed before the weekend. One was to the tanning salon and the other was to the automotive company I mentioned earlier. Both of them were signed, and squared away before the weekend. When I got back from delivering the contracts, I went back to the presenters fair, where we signed people up for camel crazies, the student support group. In the afternoon we printed off camp orders and took them to the business manager.

A lot of the time this week I felt as though there was not a lot for me to do, simply because Drew now does a lot of what I used to do. Anyway, I will be starting in compliance next week, with at least 2 days in sales and marketing so I can work on my project.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Week of 6/30-7/4

Monday: 10-3:30
Tuesday: 10-4
Wednesday: 10-4:30
Thursday: 10-3
Friday: Holiday, No work
Total: 23

Today there was not a whole lot to do in the office. We did a lot of preparation for the new marketing assistant who will be coming in for his first day tommorrow. I did some work in excel as far as the marketing plans for soccer and volleyball. I also did some more research on promotional activities at games. In the afternoon I printed off camp orders and updated any of the camps that needed to be taken down because the registration deadline had expired. I inquired with my field supervisor Debbie about possibly spending some time in another department, namely compliance and/or operations. I am still going to have to be somewhat involved with the marketing deparment since that is where my major project will be focused. My primary goal for spending some time in other departments is to gain a larger perspective of what is involved with college athletics. Compliance is particularly interesting to me because of a lot of the research I did in my administration class last semester concerning NCAA rules and regulations.

The new Marketing Assistant came in today. He did a lot of first day stuff as far as taking care of some of the technicalities of starting a new job. I called one of the companies I have been trying to work with. They have been giving me a particularly difficult time because they haven't looked at the information I dropped off a month ago. Needless to say, they told me they would call back in the afternoon. In the afternoon I sat down and talked with the new assistant a little bit, which was important considering we are going to be working together for a while this summer. I showed him how to process the orders for camps that came in everyday and where we had to take them when we were done. We also did some brainstorming as far as some more ideas for promotions at sporting events this coming season. I went over all of the research I had done with him, and he took some notes and gave me some of his thoughts on some of the ideas. By the end of the day we had both kind of discovered that planning promotions was really not as easy as it looked. We were just having a difficult time thinking of games to play at these events. Some events are easier to plan for like soccer, or football for example, because they have very defined periods of time when there is nothing go on, and you can expect a bit of a crowd at both events. Volleyball is a little trickier because we don't know what kind of people to expect at the events, or how many. We also have to take into consideration that there will be certain days when we don't do anything at games because there was another event that day where we might do a big promotion ( Other than homecoming, there aren't too many of these occurences). The gentleman who was supposed to call me back never did, I suppose I will have to call him back tommorrow.

In the morning we went over a few more promotional ideas for soccer, volleyball, and football. I also called the gentleman who I mentioned earlier back because he never contacted me yesterday, and he once again asked me to call back next week. In the afternoon we walked over to Human Resources and helped Drew (New Marketing Assistant) get some of his stuff squared away as far as setting up an email address, etc. We walked over to the bookstore afterwards and talked with the bookstore manager who has been in charge of finding a new mascot Costume for the upcoming season. As I stated before the current Gaylord costume is broken, and is not really safe for anyone to wear. I've also still been communicating with Debbie about setting up a time to meet with the people in Compliance and set up a work schedule. Apparently she has been having some email problems, and I have not received all of the emails she sent me, though she does appear to be responding to my emails. Because of this, the process has taken a little bit longer. We did decide that we would set up a meeting on Monday to meet with the people in Compliance, due to the fact that Debbie has another meeting tommorrow. Drew and I did some research this afternoon for businesses in the Fuquay-Varina area. We are looking to expand our reach into that area and make our students more aware of all of the "stuff" that is in that area. It also provides us with a lot more opportunities for sales because that area in general is a lot bigger than the Harnett County area. We also searched through a stack of old business cards that the previous marketing director collected and decided which ones would be worth giving a call again. In the afternoon I printed off camp orders and took them to the business manager. We have had an increased number of issues with orders that come in for $0 dollars this week. We are not sure if there is some sort of issue with the ordering system, or if people are just overlooking it. However, it has been more of a process this week making sure all of the camps were in fact processed because of these issues.

Phone calls, phone calls, and more phone calls. Kevin told me that he was waiting for Drew to come in until we did a lot of calling, and that is certainly what we did. One of the big problems with this is that today is the day before the 4th of July, so obviously most business owers or managers were on vacation, or they were closing early, and were not available to talk. Today was a good opportunity for me to observe some sales calls though, and kind of fine-tune my approach to making sales calls. We did manage to schedule a couple of sales meetings for next week, so it was a somewhat beneficial venture. I came back right after lunch and printed off the camp orders and took them to the business manager. We had an issue with a softball camp that the coach asked us to close registration for because they were full, and we had two orders come in right before we closed it. We left it with the business manager to handle, and it was most likely handled. After dropping off the orders, I left and went home a little bit early.