Sunday, July 8, 2007

Monday 10-4 6 hours
Tuesday : 10:15-3:15 5 hours
Wednesday: Holiday
Thursday 10-4 6 hours
Friday: Supervisor told me not to come in because he was out of the office
17 hours

Monday: I got to work today and my supervisor did not have much work related to the NIT for me to do. After responding to a few emails about the tournament, Craig asked me to make an excel workbook containing information on various training programs within Special Olympics. I made records of when each of the coaches were trained, and when they taught training sessions. This information had been previously recorded, but in separate books, and my supervisor wanted the information to all be saved in the same place, so it was easier to find. I had a lot of information to go through, and I had to pair up information from the same training programs that were taught in different years, to track the differences over the years. I had to go through information from the past several years, and it took me pretty much all day.

I finished up making the training information workbook today. I spent much of my afternoon finding information online about Ice suppliers close to the PGA Golf Club to come up with a list of companies to contact. We are looking for the company that will give us the best price. I also began looking around for shops to buy sponsor presents, or rather to get sponsor presents framed. My goal is to find the stores closest to the tournament that can give us the best price. I have some information on companies we have used in the past, and we are going to contact those companies in addition to a few others.

Out of the office due to the holiday

I did a little more research looking for ice companies and framing companies in the St. Lucie area. We also got a little more information to add to the volunteer handbook. We received a leter from teh Golf Course Superintendent's association of America, which is helpful considering we needed it to put in both the volunteer handbook and the event handbook. I also got a little information to update the dining schedule and family registration sections of the event handbook. I began to update the travel information for individuals flying in to the tournament from the various airports around Port St. Lucie.

All of muy work this week either involved working with Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. I made several workbooks involving the training sesisons, etc. I used Word a lot to work on the handbooks.

I drove to the office only to get an email from my supervisor that he sent Friday morning telling me that he wasn't going to be there that day or all of the next week. He wants me to work on updating the handbooks even more, and make a few phone calls to the companies I researched.

This week I was a little frustrated. there didn't seem to be much for me to do involving the NIT, so I felt as though I spent a lot of time doing things that were a waste of time. It is a little difficult for me to do things like make phone calls because I don't have a phone, and I have to squeeze them in between his phone calls. I feel as though I often have to work around other people, and it is a little frustrating at times.

My supervisor has told me that next week I can work from home if I would like since he is not going to be in the office. He is going to send me emails throughout the week on things I need to keep up with, and some information I can update throughout the week. We have sent out registration packets and we should start receiving them shortly. I will go into the office this week in order to make some long-distance phone calls, but most of my work will be done from home.

One of my goals over the next few weeks is to find a better way to use my time over the next few weeks when there is not a lot for me to do.

Internship: Wild Dunes, Charleston, SC

Excursion Driver:
The job of the excursion driver is to drive all of the guests to and from the various excursions offered by the resort. For the most part we were responsible for driving to the Marina or the yacht harbor. If we had extra time, we would often be used as drivers around the resort for guests who needed a ride to their vacation home.

We often helped with kids camps by driving the kids to and from the pool at the resort, or to and from the Grand Pavilion.

We were also responsible for getting towels for the new swim center. We drove to the swim center and got the used towels and dropped them off in the laundry area, and picked up new, clean towels for the swim center.

At the end of the day, we helped out the person at the recreation desk with their job. We helped with running the receipts and turning them into the accounting department at the end of the evening.

In addition, we were often responsible for managing large groups of guests, often upwards of one hundred people. We had to arrange transportation for all of them by getting help from the resort drivers.

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