Monday: Holiday
Tuesday: 9:30-5
Wednesday: 9:30-5
Thursday: 10-5
Friday: 9:15-4:15
Total: 29 hours
This summer I will be doing my internship in the athletics department at Campbell University. My supervisor's name is Debbie Richardson. She is the Associate Athletics Director and Director of Women's Athletics at Campbell University. At the beginning of my week on Tuesday, we sat down and began to hammer out what exactly I will be doing this summer. Essentially, I will making a lap around the different departments in the athletics department at Campbell. I began in promotions and marketing, which I will be doing for the next two weeks, and then I will most likely move to the compliance office, working with NCAA requirements and eligibility requirements. I am also going to do some work with the operations staff this summer, that will mostly pertain to the summer camps held at Campbell. To be expected in the summer, there are not any events that are held during the summer, but there is some amount of work and maintenance that needs to be done for camps as far as the fields and gymnasiums. I will also be spending some time working at camps in the store, so I will also get some experience with merchandise and things of that nature.
I began this week working with a gentleman named Kevin Lyle, who is the Assistant a
thletic director for marketing and promotions. He is essentially the man in charge of sales and promotions at Campbell.
Debbie stipulated to me that I will be in charge of making my own schedule. I plan to work approximately 30 hours a week for 10 weeks, and I may still be completing some work at the beginning of the fall semester. If I am still with Campbell at the beginning of the semester, I hope to be able to work at some of the events, to gain a little hands-own experience working at some events. I have been involved in the administrative side of event planning, and minimally involved with the hands-on aspect of running events, so I think it will be a beneficial experience for me.
I began Tuesday by sitting down with Debbie and Kevin and hashing outs the details for the next couple of weeks. Then I went over to Kevin's office and we talked more specifically about what I would be doing while I was in marketing and promotions. Some of my responsibilities will include making sales calls and going to sales meetings. I will also be working on some specific layouts for some of the media guides and other things for fall sports. I may be making my way back to sales and marketing later in the summer and may be doing some things specifically with the women's soccer team. There have also been a lot of things that have come around with the addition of football at Campbell, in addition to the construction of the new basketball coliseum and football stadiums. Sales is especially important and I will most likely do a lot of work with that throughout my internship. Tuesday afternoon I actually went on a sales call with Kevin to experience firsthand what a sales meeting is like. I learned a lot of valuable information about how you have to adapt products to different people in different ways, without selling yourself short. I learned about the difference between trade and cash and how it relates to college athletics, and how each one can be beneficial to the organization. Trade essentially means you are trading product for ad space, or other things that interest the customer, and cash is just cash, it can be used for anything. Overall, it was a very interesting experience.
Wednesday I began working on populating a list of companies and organizations we have worked with in the past but perhaps have not worked with in the past couple of years. I had a lot of information to look at, and began to realize that the person who was working in Kevin's position before Kevin came to Campbell was not a very organized person. I had to wade through lists of companies and organizations with up to three-hundred names, most of it not
alphabetized, a lot of it was repetitive, and overall it was a very frustrating experience. It was all for the purpose of creating a database of all the companies we are currently working with, companies we have worked with in the, and some companies we have never worked with. Hopefully it will help eliminate a lot of the cold-calling we will have to do to these organizations. Also on the list was the amount of money each of the sponsors had given before, and what they got in return, if that information was available, so we would know where to start if we did decide to sit down and meet with them.
I spent the beginning of Thursday finishing compiling the list of companies together. Some of the information I will finish compiling next week. The second half of the day was spent moving into my office. Thursday was the marketing assistants last day, so we began cleaning her office out as soon as she left. Her office had essentially served as a storage room with a computer in it. It had no system of filing, things were crammed into every corner, it was more or less disgusting. We began by moving all the shelving units out of the room and all of the extra clutter around the room was either thrown out or put into a box. Part of the reason for all of the clutter is that the marketing department used to be responsible for all the merchandise sold at camps, and all other types of athletic apparel, but in the last year, all the merchandise rights were sold to the campus bookstore, and marketing essentially has all this extra stuff that they can't sell sitting around the office. There are also boxes upon boxes of pocket schedules, wall schedules, game-day information, media guides. A lot of this has increased especially with the addition of football and the new basketball convocation center. Essentially, I was moving most of the stuff that was in my office outside of my office and creating a manageable workspace. I put most of stuff inside my office on shelves outside of my office, and threw a lot of useless stuff away The main purpose behind doing this was to make a space for the new marketing assistant/intern that will be coming at the end of the summer, but it is also beneficial because it provides me with a private workspace.
Cleaning out and
organizing the office was a two-day process, so I spent the morning and part of the afternoon cleaning it out and organizing what I had moved. In the afternoon I went back to work on my list of sponsors, looking for missing bits of information such as addresses, phone numbers, etc. I am also responsible for working printing off all purchase-orders for summer camps, which seems to be an odd job for the marketing department, but nonetheless, it is our job. My supervisor showed me the process we are to go through, and where I should take them when I am done.