Monday, June 30, 2008

Week of 6/23-6/27

Monday: 10-4
Tuesday: 10-3:30
Wednesday: 10-4:30
Thursday: 10-4
Friday: No Work
Total: 24 hours

Since I was out of the office most of last week, I had a couple of phone calls to follow up with when I came into the office this morning. My supervisor has already told me that this week might be a little bit slow considering we have a new marketing assistant coming in next week. He does not want to get me started on too much new stuff when he is just going to have to explain what we are doing all over again next week. This morning after making phone calls, I immediately printed out camp order forms because we had quite a few that had accumulated over the weekend and the last couple of days of last week. I also made a shell of a marketing/promotions plan for the soccer teams. In the afternoon I did some research for Youth Soccer Month. Youth Soccer Month is celebrated in September in different states across the country. My job was to find some examples of what other schools had done so that hopefully we will be able to provide something similar in September. Creating a marketing plan for soccer is important because it is something that has never been done before, so we are basically starting from scratch. It is especially important considering the amount of attention that football is receiving this fall. Later I started doing research on different promotional ideas that schools of different sizes had used at their games in the past. It was surprisingly simple, as a lot of schools post their promotional schedules right on their websites.

I followed up with a couple of phone calls that I couldn't get through to yesterday when I came in this morning. We established the dates that Campbell will recognize Youth soccer month, so I had something to add to my marketing plan for the soccer teams. I put together a shell of a marketing plan for volleyball with all of the home games. This afternoon I started to research volleyball promotions. All of the research I am doing involves finding game themes, pre-game promotions, in-game promotions, and half-time promotions. Most schools have a list of game themes and promotions on their websites, especially if they are larger schools. This afternoon I printed off all of the camp orders and took them to the business manager.

Today I started going through all of the contracts we have already taken care of for next year and organizing them into a notebook for reference purposes. I also created a spreadsheet of partner entitlements that would be an easy reference point for us to go back and look at to determine not only what exactly our partners are entitled to, but also exactly how many of each thing we are expected to have/provide. For example, it helps us be able to reference exactly how many 1/4 page ads we are going to need to put in the football game program, how many outfield signs we need for the baseball field, etc. I did a little more research as far as volleyball promotions in the afternoon. As per usual, I printed out camp orders and took them to the business manager.

today involved adding information to the partner entitlement page as we received new contracts. In the afternoon I created a spreadsheet for the contracts that showed exactly how much money we were receiving for each promotional item available. After finding the total for each item, I added them all together to find a total for all items. I did this for both cash items and trade items. Trade, which I believe I mentioned in another post, involves us trading advertising or other things for some sort of service or product from one of our partners. I had to run the camp orders off a little early today because there was some sort of glitch in the system and we had a registration for a soccer camp that came through even though registration was supposed to be expired for that camp. That eventually worked out though, and the mother called the soccer coach to straighten things out.

No work today, my supervisor told me that he would not have that much for me to do today so he was not going to have me come in and do nothing. He said that there would be more to do next week with the addition of the new marketing assistant.

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